Embark on a magical four-day road trip through Jordan’s storied landscapes and time-worn cities. This enchanting journey weaves through the land of ancient prophets, formidable crusaders, and the ingenious Nabataeans, offering a unique blend of awe-inspiring history and breathtaking natural beauty. Traverse the rolling hills and the rugged deserts, and delve deep into the heart of Jordan’s rich past, where every stop is steeped in mythology and grandeur.
Tour Highlights
- King’s Highway: This storied route winds through landscapes of breathtaking beauty, from the rolling hills of the north to the rugged deserts of the south. Traveling along the King’s Highway offers a journey back in time, past Crusader castles, biblical sites, and the majestic ruins of Petra, inviting adventurers to traverse the same paths that prophets, kings, and traders have trodden for millennia.
- Mount Nebo: Feel the mystique where Moses gazed upon the Promised Land, enveloped by sweeping views that span the mystical landscapes of the Jordan Valley.
- Madaba: Walk amidst the world's most beautiful mosaics in Madaba, where the ancient Madaba Map unfurls the Holy Lands in vibrant hues and intricate detail.
- Kerak Castle: Lose yourself in the labyrinthine passageways of Kerak Castle, a fortress suspended in time high above the Moabite plains.
- Petra: Enter the fabled city of Petra through the narrow Siq, unveiling the majestic Treasury and the city’s royal tombs, theaters, and hidden sacrificial altars, carved into rose-colored rocks.